Hairlines to Edges - Newport Beach, CA | Varona Hair Restoration

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Hairlines to Edges

Nowadays, many people call it edges when referring to a woman’s hairline, which means the forehead and hairline’s edge. Though “edges” is a more current trendy term, it stills means hairline. Any woman would want her edges to be “on fleek.” Meaning she wants her edges to be tight, which also means she wants a hairline that compliments her face. We’ll refer to the hairline as “edges” in this post for the sake of being trendy.

Damaged hair can be frightening and depressing. The mark that damaged hair leaves on someone’s self-esteem can be clinical. Lots of women sport hairstyles that pull and strain their hair and scalp. They also use many different hair prepping tools and products to achieve a particular look, all while damaging their hair. The sacrifice for beauty can leave them with edges that are wearing away. Once the hair is worn and isn’t seeming to come back, they rely on wigs and hair weave extensions which can do further damage.

Some women may have suffered hair loss to their edges due to Alopecia. Alopecia is an immune condition customarily brought on by stress, in which the immune system attacks the hair follicles. Though Alopecia can occur on any spot of the scalp, it’s most noticeable on the edges. This can cause the hairline’s edge to lose its density, which can seem like the hairline is receding.

Can you treat Alopecia?

Alopecia can’t be cured, but there are some treatments for it. Medication, therapy, and minoxidil (Rogaine®) are common ways that can treat Alopecia. Some patients become frustrated with these treatments because they can take a while to show results, and those results are likely temporary.

As a lasting treatment, women are beginning to turn to hair transplants. Most women that seek out hair transplants are probably hoping to add more density, starting with their edges. The hair will be taken from the back of the scalp and brought to the front to transplant edges. It’ll take about 3 to 4 months for the hair to began to grow. The result is highly satisfying and instantly restores confidence.

Dr. Varona is known for restoring confidence using his hair transplantation techniques. Contact usContact Us today to begin restoring your edges!

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